The Vancouver Canucks promote responsible drinking and positive fan behavior at Rogers Arena. The Canucks Fan Code of Conduct and the details of the Canucks alcohol management plan that appear below ensure that fans have a safe and fun experience.
Alcohol Service Policies: |
Age to Check ID: | 30 | |
Max Alcohol Drinks: | 2/person/possession | |
Maximum Cup Size: | 16 oz | |
Bottles: | Sold with caps off | |
Liquor Sold: | Yes | |
Cut-off Policies: |
Concession Stands: | 12 Minute mark of the 3rd period | |
Hawkers: | 12 Minute mark of the 3rd period | |
Clubs/Suites: | 1 Hr. After Game Ends | |
Night Games: | Same as Day Games | |
Report Inappropriate Fan Behavior or Request assistance |
TEAM Training is conducted at Rogers Arena by Canucks Sports & Entertainment.
Help create a memorable experience by volunteering to be a Bud Good Sport. The Bud Good Sport program was created as a partnership between the Vancouver Canucks and Budweiser to encourage fans to get home safely through the use of designated drivers.
Register to be a Bud Good Sport and the designated driver for your group and receive a coupon for a soft drink and be eligible to win some fantastic prizes.
To register, head to one of our Guest Services Centres, located at Sections 104 (during hockey games only), 114, and 310. To participate, you must have a valid driver’s license and be at least 19 years of age. You will also be required to wear a designated driver wristband to identify that you have pledged not to consume alcohol at the game. Registration is open until the end of the first period intermission of every Canucks home game.
Violating this pledge will result in elimination from the program and the prize draw.
The Vancouver Canucks, Vancouver Arena Limited Partnership, Labatt Breweries of Canada or any related/affiliated entities shall not bear any responsibility for acts or omissions of the participants in the Designated Driver program.
Designated Driver Program: |
Canucks: | League: | |||
2017-2018 | 2,501 | 149,373 | ||
2016-2017: | 4,813 | 129,493 | ||
2015-2016: | 4,508 | 114,836 |
We are committed to creating a safe, comfortable, and enjoyable experience for all guests. We ask that you behave courteously and respect the rights of others to enjoy the event.
For your safety and comfort, unacceptable conduct is subject to eviction or possible arrest and includes, but is not limited to, the following:
- Use of foul, threatening or abusive language or gestures.
- Fighting.
- Threatening or offensive conduct towards others.
- Intoxication or impairment due to alcohol/cannabis or consumption of illegal substances.
- Throwing objects or interfering with the progress of the event.
- Being in possession of alcohol not purchased inside of Rogers Arena.
- Being a minor in possession of alcohol or providing a minor with alcohol.
- Being a minor in possession of cannabis or providing a minor with cannabis.
- Smoking (including e-cigarettes, personal vapourizers, and cannabis) inside the arena.
- Bringing in outside food or beverages permitted.
- Any other conduct that may be deemed by Rogers Arena staff to be inappropriate to the peace and good order of events or which may adversely affect the safety of persons or property.
- Respecting staff, guests and performers in the building.
- Drinking responsibly.
- Sitting in your ticketed seat and showing your ticket on request.
- Ensuring that your clothing, signs, and banners are inoffensive.
- Ensuring that you do not block another guest’s view of the event
- If you observe other patrons violating these policies or impairing the enjoyment of the event, please report the situation to a staff member