San Francisco 49ers

September 24, 2015

The San Francisco 49ers promote responsible drinking and positive fan behavior at Levi’s Stadium. The 49ers alcohol management plan ensures that fans have a safe and fun experience.

  • Centerplate
  • Bud Light
  • Elite
  • Landmark Event Staffing
  • MADD
  • California Highway Patrol
  • California Office of Traffic Safety
  • TEAM Coalition

Alcohol Service Policies

Age to Check ID: 30 and younger
Max Alcohol Drinks: 2/person/ possession
Max Cup Size: 20 oz
Bottles: Sold with caps off
Liquor Sold: Clubs & Suites

Cut-off Policies

Concession Stands: End of 3rd
Hawkers: N/A
Clubs/Suites: End of 3rd
Night Games: Same as Day Games

Tailgating Policies:

Time Lots Open: Day Games – 5 Hours before Kick-off
Sunday Night Games – 4 Hours before Kick-off
Monday Night Games – 3 Hours before Kick-off
Tailgating Cut-off: At Start of Game
Prohibited Items: Glass containers, kegs, funnels
Permitted Items: Plastic bottles, cans, small BBQs

Text Messaging System:

Fans are encouraged to send an anonymous text to stadium management to report violations of the Fan Code of Conduct.
Text Number: 41513 — BADFAN + message
Phone Number: (415) 656-4949 and hit “0”

TEAM Training is conducted at Levi’s Stadium by the San Francisco 49ers.

There are 4 locations of the Bud Light “Good Sport” designated driver program at Levi’s Stadium. Fans who pledge to be designated drivers receive a complimentary soft drink and a chance to be selected as the Designated Driver for the Game. Designated Drivers for the Game are recognized on the stadium video board and receive a special prize from the 49ers.
2018 49ers Total: 2,742 2018 League Total: 265,940
The San Francisco 49ers expect all fans visiting Levi’s Stadium to behave appropriately and to respect all rules and regulations of the stadium. This includes all local, state and federal laws and / or any verbal or posted directives from the San Francisco 49ers or their representatives. The 49ers may refuse admission to or eject any ticket holder (without refund) who is deemed to be disorderly, displaying or verbalizing obscenity in any way or who fails to comply with these terms or any and all security measures. Please remember that season ticket holders are and will be held accountable for the behavior of fans that use their tickets.

All members of our game day staff are committed to proactively creating an environment where patrons and their families, friends and/or clients can enjoy their experience free from any of the following behaviors:

  • Obscene or abusive language and / or behavior
  • Offensive clothing
  • Fighting, taunting, or threatening remarks and / or gestures
  • Intoxication or signs of impairment related to alcohol or drugs
  • Smoking (except in designated areas)
  • Irresponsible drinking or behavior
  • Inappropriate displays of affection
  • Gang activity
  • Any distraction to the progress of the game
  • Excessive standing that obstructs the view of other patrons
  • Throwing objects of any kind
  • Occupying any seat without the appropriate ticket
  • Other actions that cause a disruption and / or hinder the enjoyment of the game for other fans

We have increased the presence of our alcohol and Fan Code of Conduct Enforcement teams to maintain a positive environment in your section and throughout the stadium. Fans who behave or drink irresponsibly will be escorted from the stadium and subject to permanent loss of season ticket privileges. Fans are required to sit in their ticketed seat location. When necessary, ushers will request to see ticket stubs prior to a fan entering a seating section as we believe that it is a reasonable expectation to arrive at your seats without having them occupied.

We are committed to creating and maintaining a safe and enjoyable experience for all guests visiting Levi’s Stadium. Thus, we ask for your assistance as we continue to address the behavior of those who might negatively affect your game day experience.