Indianapolis Colts fans are the best in the NFL because of their enthusiasm, team support, and Hoosier hospitality. The players, coaches, staff, and fans shape the Colts image. We encourage our fans to create a high-energy environment supporting the home team while maintaining a family-oriented atmosphere.
The Indianapolis Colts have established Rules of Conduct that will allow everyone in attendance at Lucas Oil Stadium to enjoy all aspects of a National Football League game. We ask that everyone conduct themselves in a manner that does not take away from other’s enjoyment of the game. Any violation of these rules could result in immediate expulsion from the stadium and potential revocation of season ticket privileges. These rules include, but are not limited to:
- Entering the playing field or interfering with the progress of the game
- Refusing to show a ticket when asked by a stadium representative
- Attempting to sit in seats for which you are not properly ticketed
- Using foul or abusive language or gestures
- Threatening other patrons with words and/or actions
- Fighting
- Throwing or kicking any object in Lucas Oil Stadium or onto the field
- Interfering with other guests’ ability to enjoy the game
- Wearing clothing with abusive or vulgar terminology or inappropriate photographs or symbols
- Wearing obscene or indecent clothing
- Displaying obscene or indecent signs
- Standing on seats or chairs
- Stepping over chairs from one row to another
- Standing, sitting or loitering in aisles, stairs, ramps or other areas of conveyance
- Placing food or beverages on walls, ledges or overhangs that may spill or drop on guests below
- Being in possession of liquor containers, bottles, cans, liquid containers and coolers (except for guests with special medical or dietary needs)
- Being in possession of Food not dispensed by Lucas Oil Stadium concessionaires
- Running or jogging in Lucas Oil Stadium
- Disorderly conduct
- Public intoxication
- Possession or use of drugs
- Public indecency
- Possession or use of drugs
- Obstructing justice
- Criminal trespass
- Selling items or tickets on Lucas Oil Stadium property
- Distributing or displaying handbills without prior consent
- Smoking (except outside gates) or spitting