NASCAR promotes responsible drinking and positive fan behavior at the Iowa Speedway. The Iowa Speedway Guest Policies and the details of their alcohol management plan that appear below ensure that fans have a safe and fun experience.
Designated Drivers who make the pledge at the Iowa Speedway are entered in NASCAR Responsibility Has Its Rewards Sweepstakes.
Iowa Speedway works to provide a fun, yet safe, environment for fans with the following policies:
- Alcohol Policy:
- If you choose to drink alcohol during your visit to the Speedway, please do so responsibly and be considerate of your fellow fans. You must be 21 and present a valid photo ID with proof of age when purchasing. We reserve the right to refuse to serve alcohol to any person, for any reason, and will contact police if we believe you are acting in a manner that is contrary to the law or that may endanger yourself, others or any property. Iowa Code States Licenses may not allow patrons to bring liquor onto the licensed premises.
- Re-entry:
- Iowa Speedway allows visitors to check out and re-enter the facility during race events. To do so you must have your Grandstand or Suite ticket scanned by gate staff before you leave so it may be re-scanned on your re-entry.
- Prohibited Items:
- All carry-in bags, blankets, sleeping bags and similar items are subject to search by Iowa Speedway when entering the facility. Prohibited items or contraband discovered during security inspections must be returned to the owner’s vehicle or discarded. Items may not be left at the gate. Unlawful items discovered during security inspections will be reported to the authorities. Any prohibited item discovered inside Iowa Speedway will be confiscated.