Seattle Sounders FC promotes responsible drinking and positive fan behavior at Lumen Field. The Sounders FC Fan Code of Conduct and details of the Sounders FC alcohol management plan that appear below ensure that fans have a safe and fun experience.
Alcohol Service Policies |
Age to Check ID: | 30 and younger | |
Max Alcohol Drinks: | 2/person/ possession | |
Max Cup Size: | 16 oz | |
Liquor Sold: | Yes | |
Bottles: | Sold with caps off | |
Cans: | Yes, opened | |
Cut-off Policies |
Concession Stands: | 75th Minute | |
Hawkers: | 75th Minute | |
Clubs/Suites: | 75th Minute For Clubs and No End For Suites | |
Text Messaging System: |
We are committed to improving your game day experience and providing a safe, family environment. To report any inappropriate activity that is disrupting your enjoyment of the match or for housekeeping needs text-message 429512. |
Text Number: | 429512 |
TEAM Training is conducted at Lumen Field by the Seattle Sounders FC and Delaware North Sportservice.
The “Good Sport” program, sponsored by Anheuser-Busch and First & Goal Hospitality, is part of Luemn Field’s commitment to public and fan safety. Under the Designated Driver program, one person from a group attending the game volunteers to refrain from drinking alcohol and is responsible for providing transportation for the rest of the group. Designated drivers can register by signing a pledge card at any GuestLink Services locations until kick off.
To ensure that everyone has a safe ride home, in those isolated instances when alternative transportation is necessary, staff will encourage guests to use a taxi. Information about taxi service is available at any GuestLink Services locations.
Lumen Field and Sounders FC management are committed to creating a safe, comfortable and enjoyable experience for its guests at Lumen Field and Sounders FC events. The facility’s staff will proactively intervene to support an environment where event patrons, their guests and other fans can enjoy the event experience free from the following behaviors:
· Use of ALL tobacco products, including e-cigarettes, is prohibited on Lumen Field and Lumen Field Event Center premises
· Foul or abusive language or obscene gestures
· Intoxication or other signs of impairment related to alcohol consumption
· Fighting, taunting, or threatening remarks or gestures
· Sitting in a location other than the guest’s ticketed seat
· Displays of affection not appropriate in a public setting*
· Obscene or indecent clothing
· Any disruption to the progress of the event by guest’s actions
· Throwing objects of any kind**
· Any other conduct that is beyond the bounds of reasonable behavior for guests attending a professional sporting event
· All prohibited and restricted items apply (Please view list of restricted items under stadium policies)
· Any activity that is illegal in nature and could result in criminal charges
Each guest should hold his or her ticket stub and be ready to display it to stadium officials upon request to verify their seat location. All Season Ticket Members are responsible for their conduct as well as the conduct of their Guests and/or persons occupying their seats in their absence.
*Public Display of Affection or PDA – Lumen Field is committed to providing an atmosphere that all guests find enjoyable. As part of this commitment, we ask that all guests keep acts of affection tasteful and discrete.
**The use of streamers and confetti as an expression of fan enthusiasm is not prohibited, but will be kept under review. Streamers are not to be used to impact the competition and/or thrown at or toward a player, referee or stadium staff member.
Corrective Actions for Fan Code of Conduct Violations
Below are general guidelines that CenturyLink Field and Sounders FC Management will follow, when applicable, regarding violations of the Fan Code of Conduct. Both Lumen Field and Sounders FC Management, reserve the right to review each case independently, based on available facts, as well as past issues and violations. All Season Ticket Members are responsible for their conduct, as well as the conduct of their guests and/or person occupying their seats in their absence.
Warning Letter
Individuals who violate the Fan Code of Conduct and/or are ejected from the stadium during a match, will receive an official notification of the offense in the mail from Sounders FC Management. Violations that could generate a Warning Letter are as follows, but not limited to: use of any tobacco products on Lumen Field property, foul or abusive language or obscene gestures, intoxication or other signs of impairment related to alcohol consumption, failure to follow stadium staff directions, and any other conduct that is beyond the bounds of reasonable behavior for guests attending a professional sporting event.
Fan Code of Conduct Class
Lumen Field and Sounders FC Management reserve the right to mandate individuals, who have been ejected for violations of a more serious nature such as violence, sexism, racism, or actions that result in criminal charges, to complete the online Fan Code of Conduct class. This online course costs $250 and will go over in detail the aspects of the Fan Code of Conduct that all fans are expected to adhere to while attending a Sounders FC match. Until the course is completed, the individual will not be allowed to attend any Sounders FC matches at Lumen Field. If the person is found at Lumen Field during a Sounders FC match without successfully completing the mandated online course, the person will be immediately ejected from the property and/or possibly cited for Trespassing. Upon completion of the course, the individual will be sent a letter from Sounders FC Management acknowledging the course completion and notification of acceptance back to Sounders FC matches.
Match Ban
Lumen Field and Sounders FC Management reserve the right to impose Match Ban(s) for individuals who have received any prior corrective actions for a Fan Code of Conduct Violation including, but not limited to a Warning Letter, Fan Code of Conduct Class, or any violation deemed by Lumen Field and Sounders FC Management to be egregious enough in nature to warrant a Match Ban(s). Violations that could generate a Match Ban(s) are as follows but not limited to: fighting, taunting, or threatening remarks or gestures to either fans or stadium staff, any disruption to the progress of the event by guest’s actions, and throwing objects of any kind at the field of play, other fans, or stadium staff. Depending on the severity of the violation, Match Ban(s) can be as little as one match or a permanent loss of a guest’s right to attend a Sounders FC Match at Lumen Field. Individuals who lose their right to attend Sounders FC Matches can petition Lumen Field and Sounders FC Management to be re-instated one calendar year after the offense.
All penalties resulting in a Fan Code of Conduct violation can carry over into post-season matches and/or future seasons.
Traveling Fans
The image and reputation of the Sounders FC and their fans is of the utmost importance to Sounders FC Management. Sounders FC fans are encouraged to travel and support the team during away matches. However, if an individual is ejected from an opposing team’s stadium, Sounders FC Management reserves the right to issue any of the above disciplinary consequences based on the violation.