The St. Louis Cardinals are committed to creating a safe, clean, fun, family-friendly ballpark experience. Our staff has been trained to proactively intervene where necessary to help ensure a family environment.
- Guests will enjoy the baseball experience free from disruptive behavior, foul/abusive language or obscene gestures.
- Guests will consume alcoholic beverages in a responsible manner. Intervention with an impaired, intoxicated or underage guest will be handled in a prompt and safe manner.
- Guests will sit in their ticketed seat and show their ticket when requested.
- The progress of the game will not be disrupted by guests’ actions or unauthorized persons on the playing field.
- Guests will smoke in designated smoking areas only.
- Obscene or indecent clothing will not detract from the guest experience.
- Guests will comply with requests from stadium staff regarding stadium operations and emergency response procedures.
The St. Louis Cardinals appreciate that all guests observe our Ground Rules for Fans while attending ball games at Busch Stadium. Working together with our fans to provide a positive experience is our goal. Please contact the nearest usher if for any reason another guest is interfering with your enjoyment of the game.
Guests who choose not to adhere to these Ground Rules may be in violation of stadium/city ordinances and are subject to intervention, which may lead to ejection and/or arrest.